Moka Pot Brew Guide
A tiny, Italian-made, eight-sided wonder, the Moka pot has been with us through our fair share of postage-stamp-sized kitchens and far-flung journeys. It’s experiencing a resurgence lately, which is no doubt due to its ability to produce a viscous, appropriately dense espresso with no electricity or fancy equipment. We’re also charmed by the little gurgle it makes as it works its magic on the stovetop.
Coffee (Espresso)
Moka pot (pictured: "Bialetti Jr.")
Step 1: Measure and Grind
Weigh out your coffee. Grind medium-coarse similar to sea salt and pour into filter. Place everything on your scale and tare it to zero.
Step 2: Boil and Add Water
Boil water, and fill the bottom half of your Moka pot with water that’s fresh off the boil.
Step 3: Add Coffee
Fill the pot’s filter basket with the ground coffee, and give it a shake to settle the grounds evenly. Now place it into the bottom compartment.
Step 4: Assemble and put on the hob
Screw on the Moka pot’s spouted top. Be careful the bottom chamber will be hot! Place the pot on a stove set to medium heat.
Step 5: Heat and serve
When the water in the bottom chamber approaches a boil, the pressure will push a stream of coffee slowly and methodically through the upper chamber. If it explodes upward, your water’s too hot, if it burbles lethargically, turn up your flame. You know it’s done when you hear a hissing, bubbling sound.