Advent Day 11: Roasted Brown
roasted brown coffee roasters
roasted brown COFFEE ROASTERS
Boozy, Gum drops and Passion fruit
Country: Guatemala
Producer: Antonio Gonzalez
Process: Natural
Variety: Red Catuai
Altitude: 1550 - 1800 masl
roasted brown coffee roasters profile

How did Roasted Brown come to be and who makes up Roasted Brown?
Roasted Brown was destined to be a roastery, it’s in the name, and even though we started out as a coffee cart at festivals the dream was always a roastery and a coffee shop in one location. So far we’ve had a coffee shop or two and a roastery but never in one location, but dreams continue to come through....
What is Roasted Brown purpose/mission?
Great relationships, Great coffee, People first
Hot take: How would you describe the coffee scene in Ireland? Overrated or underrated and why?
Underrated...I remember not too long ago having to travel 30kms for a great coffee, now it’s almost standard in every town and village, there’s more to go but it’s in a great place.
BEST coffee you ever had...where?
Best I remember and best I had are 2 different things...I’ll never forget the first time I had a lighter roast, single origin flat white in 3fe on Abbey Street, it literally changed the course of my coffee journey and business.
Best I ever had, although subjective of course, is Costa Rica El Diamante Anaerobic Natural by Esteban Corrales. His coffee remains one of the most balanced and calculated anaerobic coffees I’ve ever had...I’m drinking it right now and what do ya know, it’s our Christmas single for filter and espresso again this year.
What's one thing about Roasted Brown that most people don't know?
It’s a secret...but if you watch closely you’ll know soon enough!
What do you want to change most about the coffee industry?
Green washing and trumpet blowing, I like it when people do good without using it for marketing.
What's your favourite way to brew and why?
Pour over connected to an IV!
What is your favourite processing method at the moment?
Fully washed with a day or two of controlled fermentation.